Ask the payday loans ca provider to tell you the cost of the loans. Make sure you know: All fees and interest Debt due date The cost charged to you for a payday loan Know that: Fees are often charged if the check or pre-authorized payment is returned for insufficient funds These fees can vary between $ 20 and $ 50 Many provinces have regulations regarding the maximum fees payable for insufficient funds The amount may be much higher in provinces and territories where fees are not regulated. Ask if there is a “cooling off period”. This is a period, often a day or two, during which you can cancel the loan without explanation and without paying a fee. This right is protected by law in many provinces. Make sure the best payday loans California gives you written information about this cooling-off period. Request a copy of the loan agreement. Make sure: Read the document carefully before signing it Understand the total cost of the loan Keep a copy for your reco...